Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spirit Week!

It's Spirit Week at Jayden's school. I was never sure of what that meant when I was in school, and I can't say I'm sure now. I get it, you do stuff to show your school spirit. But I HATED school! How could I have spirit? Couldn't they just let the cheerleaders handle that?

All I knew was that during spirit week, you wore weird clothes, or school colors. It was never really exciting for me, being that I dressed pretty "weird" back in high school anyway. I didn't attend a uniform school. In fact, to my recollection, there wasn't even a dress code, so there was no excitement about deviating from the rules. Wearing a uniform would have been my "weird" zone. Ironically enough, I wear one now lol.
Yesterday was college jersey day. I sent him to the baby sitter with a UNC TARHEELS (That's right, I love the 'HEELS!!! Are you reading this Crystal? lol)  jersey and some uniform pants. Silly me! I forgot to tell his baby sitter that it was spirit week, so she thought I forgot to pack his uniform. *FACE PALM.*

Today was "Wild out Wednesday." So, I grabbed some texturizer, spiked up his hair and packed a Marvel comics outfit. Granted, that might not be "wild" but I'll be damned if I send my angel in public wearing stripes, plaid and mismatched socks. Never that!

A few hours into my day, my phone rings. Private number. I let it roll over to voicemail. When I listened to my voicemail, I knew it was his school, before the Sprint lady's recording could even finish saying "one new message from phone number..."  What I didn't know was that his teacher was going to leave me a message explaining to me that Jayden was out of uniform and must be in uniform every day. Ok lady, this is his second his year at this school and his second uniform violation. The first one was last year, when I sent him to school in a suit for pictures. I won that war, though, because I PAID for the pictures. Therefore, Jayden could wear WHATEVER I felt he'd be cutest in.

I called the school back, after listening to the obnoxious voicemail from his teacher. I was worried that maybe I'd had my dates confused and didn't sent him in his "spirit" clothes on the wrong week. As luck would have it, I was NOT wrong.

Am I wrong to be concerned that his own teacher was clueless about spirit week? Indeed, she was so clueless she called me to inform me of his "violation." Call me biased, but I don't see why the dress code should apply to Jayden anyway. He's in a WHEELCHAIR for goodness sake. It's not like he has gang affiliations.

This whole ordeal, although quite minuscule, made me think about schools with dress codes and self expression. As a teenager, I would have fought vicisously if my school had enforced uniforms. However, looking back at some of my old pictures, I wonder if a uniform would have helped. Self expressive, I was. Fashionable, I was definately NOT. Uniforms would have led to much less embarrassing school pictures. But would those pictures have been as FUN?

This is actually one of my better outfit pics from back in the day lol.

And this one was just... WTF lol


  1. yay for self-expression.

    and your high school pictures are great.

  2. Thank you! Lol. Glad I don't look like a "What not to Wear" nominee anymore... (I hope) lol.
