Saturday, May 21, 2011

Government Agencies.... SUCK

Before I begin, and delve into the title subject, let me just say... "how 'bout that rapture?" The good news, Jayden, NV, my other loved ones and I are fine. Bad news, no skipping out of work next week! Why can't these fanatics predict the world's end during the week? Then maybe I could get out of work for spiritual reasons!

Rature aside, I have FINALLY been to DSS to apply for respite care for Jayden.  I applied via phone WAYYYY back last year, but was never able to go in person to apply, being that my work never allowd me to do anything that wasn't a medical necessity during work hours. And of course, government agencies are not exactly open when I'm not working. Far be it for them to work a moment past 1700 or on a weekend. You have a better chance of running into Biggie, Tupac and Elvis at your local Wal Mart.

I have found a pattern in government agencies (military aside). There is ALWAYS a long ass wait. The employees are consistently rude, and seemingly uneducated. I say seemingly because maybe they all hold a Ph.D. in what the hell ever, and I just don't know, but I doubt it. The DMV, the post office, social services, and social security office are all the same, they just officer different services. Sometimes they don't even do that.

I'm not mad at the employees for determining that I make "too much" money to receive any sort of assistance. (I have been denied SSI for Jayden in three different states). I realize that idiotic decision is out of their hands. What I am mad about is how they seem to think I can just show up whenever THEY think it's a good time to show up. Trying to explain that I'm a Soldier and single parent, who can't just show up any time is as useful as teaching a chimp calculaus, if not less. Chimps are smarter I do believe. I had to go to that office THREE TIMES before I was seen.

First time I went I was told I came too late and that my application couldn't be completed. They made me an appointment for the following day. Well, on that day my unit lost a fellow Soldier. Not a good day to spend in the county line. The days following were too busy to get back there. The second day I came, I got there before 1600. I sat and waited until after 1630 before I was seen. The lady of course told me I was too late to complete the process. Who cares that THEY kept me waiting??

When I FINALLY came Friday morning, I was able to complete the application. The process was so long an aggravating, I actually WANTED to be back at work. That NEVER happens. I know the lady had to ask me alot of questions to get through the application process. That didn't bother me. What bothered me was her impatience. Any time she asked me a question that took me more than a milli second to answer, she would sigh in exahasperation. So, let me get this straight, I had to go to this dreadful place THREE TIMES, and SHE was the impatient one?

Now that the hardest portion of the application process is over, I hope I get approved for respite care. I would hate to have been in that office THREE TIMES for no reason.

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